
The Maths lessons that we teach are all taught using the objectives of the National Curriculum. This means that your children will be learning everything that they are legally required to learn in the UK.


Our Maths lessons will usually start with a times table task or starter activity. The tutor will then start the lesson input and will teach through modelling and practice activities. During this time, children will have the chance to ask questions and any misconceptions will be adressed. 


After the teaching input, the children will then answer worksheet based questions to present thier learning. This allows the tutor to mark the work and give the child feedback so that they can see what went well and what they need to improve on. It also gives parents the chance to see what was taught throughout the lesson.


Reasoning and Problem solving questions are completed at the end of every lesson as this allows the children to challenge their learning and promotes deeper thinking. These questions will first be completed with the tutor or peer and will then be completed independently




English lessons will also be taught using the National Curriculum.

After assessing a child's skills in spelling, punctuation, grammar, reading and writing, we will make a note of strengths and weaknesses. Within these topics, we will plan teaching points to support the child with each concept and the aspects that they struggle with.


The English lesson will start phonics or spelling. We may also begin with various starter activities to 'boost the brain.'

After this will be an input from the tutor, going over the first part of the lesson. This first part will focus on either punctuation or language features. The child will be taught using a variety of methods, depending on their learning style.

We then move to either reading comprehension or writing. The reading will focus on VIPERS type comprehension questions and the writing could involve creative writing, letters writing, diary entries etc.


English will involve a lot of collaborative work at the start of the lesson as this allows the child to become an active part of their own learning. Once they have a clear understanding, they will move on to their independent tasks.


The 11+...

This exam takes place to assess a child's learning and understanding to see if they are prepared for grammar school.

While the 11+ questions include topics taught within the National Curriculum, the questions are presented in ways that are not taught often enough at school so tuition is highly recommended!


Maths, English, Verbal reasoning and Non verbal reasoning are the four focuses of the exam and this is what we teach. 

As there is so much to cover, these topics will be taught over two lessons with one lesson focusing on Maths and Non reasoning, while the other focuses on English and Verbal reasoning.


In order to succeed in the exam, children will first need the required subject knowledge so this is always our first priority. We spend time going over the topics within the exam, subject knowledge and test style questions. We then move to reasoning and deeper thinking to embed this learning. 
